25 Favorite Sunday School Songs! - VeggieTales Product Image

25 Favorite Sunday School Songs! - VeggieTales

Product Description

Features 25 classic Veggie songs!

1. This Little Light of Mine
2. Down in My Heart
3. He's Got the Whole World
4. My God Is So Big
5. B-I-B-L-E
6. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho
7. God's Way
8. Zacchaeus
9. This Is My Commandment
10. Love Your Neighbor
11. Give Me Oil in My Lamp
12. Peace Like a River
13. Jesus Loves the Little Children
14. Who Built the Ark?
15. Jacob's Ladder
16. I Got Shoes
17. Gospel Ship
18. God's Love
19. Father Abraham
20. Promised Land
21. Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock
22. Fishers of Men/Peter, James & John in a Sailboat
23. It's a Miracle
24. Oh, How I Love Jesus
25. I Will Sing of the Mercies/Leaning on the Everlasting Arms