Instacart $25.00 Product Image

Instacart $25.00

Product Description

Try Instacart to get the items you love delivered right to your doorstep. * Shop local stores in your neighborhood * Same-day delivery in as little as 2 hours * High-quality items, including produce and alcohol * Safe contactless delivery * Get exclusive coupons and savings

Card is usable, up to balance, toward eligible online orders placed on, on “Powered by Instacart” sites, or in the Instacart app in the United States. Card is not reloadable. Not redeemable for cash unless required by law. Will not be replaced or replenished if lost, stolen or used without permission. The value of your card may only be credited to one Instacart account and will be fully redeemed upon use. Limits may apply to redemption and use. You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use Cards on Instacart’s sites.The card is not redeemable outside the U.S. Purchase, use or acceptance of card constitutes acceptance of terms. For balance inquiries/customer service, call 888-246-7822. Other terms apply see: Maplebear Inc., dba Instacart is card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. Instacart may delegate its issuer obligations to an assignee, without recourse. If delegated, the assignee, and not Instacart, will be sole obligor to card owner. Card does not charge a separate fee and does not expire.

© 2020 Maplebear Inc. All rights reserved.

Redeem in the app:
1. Sign up for Instacart or log into your existing account
2. Enter the main menu
3. Tap Credits, promos & gift cards
4. Enter the code

Redeem on the website:
1. Sign up for Instacart or log into your existing account
2. Click Account or your name
3. Click Add promo or gift card
4. Enter the code